site specific=sítio específico=nomadismo psíquico;
Nós do fantasma: decida-nós.
Por seu título de inspiração culinária, este livro refere-se í s exigências do corpo e aos laços elementares que o homem mantém com o mundo. Por sua construção musical, que lhe dá a estatura de um oratório cujas partes evocam, sucessivamente, o tema e as variações, a sonata, a fuga, a cantata e a sinfonia, ele aproxima as operações do pensamento mítico das operações da música, que, dentre as artes, é a que mais se parece a uma ciência, ao mesmo tempo em que é fonte de emoções incomparáveis.
De sorte que, a partir da oposição aparentemente trivial entre o cru e o cozido, veremos primeiro a força lógica de uma mitologia da cozinha, tal como concebida pelas tribos sul-americanas que o autor estudou tão de perto; depois, veremos emergir certas propriedades gerais do pensamento mítico, onde se encontra em geral, uma filosofia da sociedade e do espírito.
Glerm meetz Octavio Camargo:
1. What’s your trabalho? I don’t mean “what do you do for living”. Explain Octavio’s trabalho…
to execute some kind of movement.
the lips , the hand , the legs
or the eyes while thinking
2. Que você faz para viver? ( answer in english, please)
I teach composition
3. Can you imagine a language where gender has no articles?
yes, it may be inscribed in the body of the noun as in latin
rosa, dominus
( í¿ ) Can WE wonder : Sun is a male, Moon is a female or vice-versa?
yes, we can wonder it both ways
we can wonder any type of doubles
as the pair of inverted questions marks
spanish influence of the electronic translation?
Do you mind if i spell sun without capital S?
no, though i was trained to see the diference
I mean: can I think about “the octavio” as a WORD – with “no gender ? “
depends on the parameter assigned to the code < "?> < ?">
gender also stands for oposition, invertion, mirror
I ask you to talk about gender as a construction of symethry of human language.
the male/female image is taken as a metaphor of symetry, as mutual dependence,
As in levi strauss concept of “Raw-Cooked” (opposite therms – the roots foundations of human concept of the OTHER )
to temper with salt is the distinctive sign of civilization in homer
We’re always talking about human bodies and thy topology or can we think about another kind of BORDER?
half a beat is a border,
What’s in between a surface-interface?
a person
( here you can you use mixed english-portuguese and non-english speakers can use artificial translation tools or the “portuguese speakers” to help in building this code )…4. Do you mind if i am without “capital” I?
no, though eye see the diference
Eu is diferent than eu?
yes, in gender and number
Do you live in a “capital” city?
Yes, curitiba the city of the I
do you realy live there or you “mora”?
and live…
Explain quotation marks… I mean: ARE YOU there?
no, it isnôt me
5. Can you imagine beeing you and beeing where you’re stand rigth now as diferent places ( the verb TO BE) ?
to be in town and to be someone are actions assignied to diferent verbs in portuguese
6. You’re a dedicated researcher of greek paterns in language,
language matrixes, code engines
as we know with your work in translation of Homer’s Iliad for portugues-brasileiro.
Can you compare about this english we’re talking as an interface for connect cultural patterns?
it reflects the preponderance of morphology over sintax in computer logic
the words make more sense than the sentences
statistic reading of the sign, the “meaning” springs from rates of frequency
Can you talk about of some kind of surface we may tensioning with this conversation?
infinitesimal calculus