Somos 190 milhões

Somos agora no Brasil: 189.739.433 habitantes.
Somos agora no Mundo: 6.621.930.169 habitantes.

Fonte: IBGE (acesso í s 18:23 18/09/2007)


O Brasil conta hoje com rede de proteção social que beneficia cerca de 60 milhões de brasileiros, da qual faz parte o “Bolsa Famí­lia”, com 11 milhões de famí­lias inscritas.

Trecho de entrevista do Ministro do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate í  Fome, Patrus Ananias

Praça Nueva Brasília – Itaparica – Erik Goengrich – 16/09/2007 – 2pm


hallo to all
on sunday the 16.sept.07 at 2pm will be the inauguration of “Praça
Nueva Brasilia” in Itaparica.
For all who like to come I would propose that we meet at 1:30pm in
front of SACATAR-Foundation in Itaparica and then we walk to the
(5 min.walk but too complicated to explain)
Hope all of you who are near find the time to come.
all the best

there is an informal settlement just around the corner of SACATAR with
5 big Trees that form a kind of an open public space.
Three weeks ago I found this place and was impressed….
Is it that I am still too romantic?
In portugese these 10 to 15 small houses surrounding that place they
are called “invasâo” which I find a very interesting:
like a wave of the see which is just in front….

Then, as you know of my last two emails I returned from:

and I met Robinson, without whom that whole intervention would not
have been possible:

trying to change the human relationship / thinking about nature.
He is trying to build up this organisation and doing a very imortant
I would say he is the best communicator i met until now in Itaparica.
And I was never so astonished how many ways somebody is introducing me
and my work….
andfrom monday the 3.sept when i returned from Brasilia until today I
was nearly every day working at “Praca Nueva Brasilia”:
everybody liked it sometimes of diffrent reasons:
for some it was important that it is not coming from the Itaparica
official administration
for some it was just good that there will come something to sit on
some liked the fact of having little Brasilia in front of their door
some liked the idea of having meetings there
and others thought immediatley that the value of their small house
will increase….
and as well i got very quick offers to buy a house or land (for
2000euro) in this area without official papers…


so we began to collect the left over wood of Sacatar and started to
build benches:

here we coming to the architectural part because the congress of
Brasilia is made out of “pau-a-pique”

with varas (the palm tree leaves stem) and clay

this is the structure with all the greenpalmtree leaves stems
cooked from Maria (a sister of robinson living directliy there)
the kids started to like it and helped as well,

but still wondering what that all means?
the ramp for the congress arrived
the sign to the place is painted…

would be happy to see you sunday at 2pm
if everything works out well the itaparica-caboclos which used to
perform on this place will come as well…

