CATACSTROBE – Piksel 2008

December 7th from midnight to dawn.
(Uncertain time notation, confusion)
Performances, talks, food, music, dance, telepathy!

A night for writers, sorcerers, magicians, bots,
pichadores, psychonauts, sex texters, scientists,
coders, poets and intelligent agents.

Local Sphere

Nina Blondich (aka Gaia Novati) in

Does it really c {o} unt ?
Reflections on mind fucking in a dimension of language and sex atrophy.

The virtuality of the aka- as every masks- requires the undressing of the “Ego”
and the perception that the body lives without the body… everywhere
sex is being made, but where is sexuality? Which
pornoscapes are evoked in a world of disembodied identities? Every
sexual act is the beginning of a ritual code written and daily
unchanged, if the body is defined for something else, sex becomes more
a question of mind fucking where words and letters must
recreate themselves, introducing a change in the form and
in the syntax. The space to play on the prOscenium is enlarged:
desires and obsessions are coming out off the mind, the intention to
excite another mind is a loop frantically repeated, and words appeal.

Xname (aka Eleonora Oreggia) in

A Descent Into the Maelstrom

You suppose me a very old man –but I am not.
I could not see in the vicinity of the vortex and I became possessed with the keenest curiosity… I felt a wish to explore, even at the sacrifice I was going to make, hanging, as if by magic, midway down, upon the interior surface of a funnel. I am streamed in a flood far away down, into the inmost recesses of the abyss. It was not terror, but the dawn of a more exciting hope. Emergency admitted no delay, and precipitated myself into the sea, without another moment’s hesitation.

Sister0 (aka Nancy Mauro-Flude) in

Media divination 2.1.2

If you want to have a media divination by sister0, you need take her an object that you have a personal connection to. Then she can reveal your place in the manifold of time… YOu also disclose your name, date of birth and give an image or a personal item with which a semiotic analysis is made. Via an interactive shell a networked database is retrieved, transformed and mined for events in the past, present and future. The textual data processed is the year pages available from the English version of Wikipedia, the popular open publishing on-line encyclopedia. From the point of view of the algorithm it retrieves, transform and mine the textual data. This is employed by a set of well known software installed by default on most of the *nix distributions.

GOTO80 in

It’s All in the Table

Live action in Commodore 64 hex code land. A table of sound chip data provides poetry-codes for machines, music for humans, sense for the senseless, stuff for space.

Pixa Babel in

Utopias da formula secreta

Text operators are injecting their viruses in the interstices of our urban environments. The Babel virus mutating in each reply of those ping requests. How could we compile a language where we could understand each other in almost telepathic touch? Did you recognise my calligraphy on those walls and you can see that it came from yours? Vice-Versa? How urban environment could have a contagious touch with all those silent screaming thoughts, trying to organise a collective symptom that could break some walls, cross some border lines, build fluxus of a continuum and organic movement of the people, not marking territories with flags, but with fluid brain waves and their bodies creating language.
Remote Sphere

Simon Yuill in

*** START ***

Algorithm as Ideological Instrument

…looking at the use of software in the governance
of real world social infrastructures, drawing on
examples of actual software created for use in
disciplines such as school administration, urban
policing and military training… the broader
question of to what extent may algorithms
be expressions of ideological models, both as
representations of how social agents might
interact, or in implementing such models
in real world situations.

*** END ***

Isjtar in

Catatonic State Society

In the Catatonic State Society, all members live in a state of
reduced consciousness. Saccading their heads on spastic pulses or just
in plain inertia, they seem indifferent to perception. These
rhythmical units do interact however, they behave in surprising ways
towards one another. They move in and out of sync, form complex
superstructures to shift from texture to crystalline structures,
rhythmic pulses and back again.

Alex McLean in


Onomatopoeic words are rendering into sounds, functions are trasfomred into patterns.. Here goes the electronic eefing!

Glerm Soares in


Kiki Jaguaribe (aka Cristina Ekman) in

Sea Sound

“There is a sea inside me”


Environmental collaborative experimental poetry based on translocal repetition.

Virus Babel



Operadores de Texto estão injetando seus ví­rus nas frestas
de nossos ambientes urbanos.

O Babel Virus está mutando a cada resposta destas requisições de ping.

Como poderí­amos compilar uma linguagem onde poderí­amos entender uns aos outros num tato quaseí  telepático?
Você reconheceu minha caligrafia naqueles muros e você pode perceber que ela veio da sua? Vice-Versa?

Nosso ambiente urbano pode ter um toque de contágio com estes gritantes pensamentos silenciosos, tentando organizar
um sintoma coletivo que poderia quebrar alguns muros, cruzar algumas linhas de fronteira, contruir um fluxo de um
contí­nuo e orgânico movimento de pessoas, não marcando territórios com bandeiras, mas com ondas cerebrais fluí­das
e seus corpos criando linguagem.

Nós tentaremos nos comnicar desta maneira e aprender cada um a lí­ngua do outro. Nós vamos tentar dividir alguma “Criptografia” de um “interpretador de linguagem” passo a passo que “construiremos” neste processo.

Este é um convite para um processo de reconhecimento de contornos, para toda a vida. E para além da vida destes muros onde as raí­zes do matagal estão quebrando o concreto.

# As instruções de Booting sugeridas (prontas pra serem também hackeadas)-

0) Entre na mailing-list[1] . Registre-se como usuário do weblog[2] .

1] Nesta situação, você está estimulado a sempre falar a lí­ngua que você pensa consigo mesmo durate o dia, talvez a lí­ngua que você aprendeu logo após nascer, mas você sabe qual. blz? Pense fluentemente e tente realmente confiar nos seus dons telepáticos. Convide também pessoas que talvez não pensam em sua “lingua materna” fluentemente até agora. O assunto é um metaassunto: A linguagem que estamos contruindo juntos. Linguagem de mobilidade, compreensão.

<-2o passo é com as pessoas escolhendo algumas palavras, frases, nesta lí­ngua “dos outros”. Discutir Déterritorialisation[4] e subjetividade. Neste ponto as pessoas poderiam escrever em algumas linguagens “que não conhecem realmente” (mas alguem no grupo conhece, talvez).

->3o passo – Nós tentaremos imitar uns a caligrafia dos outros. Trocamos alguns scans de textos, numa caligrafia pessoal da sua própria escolha, não importando se de leitura fácil ou dí­ficil, cada um escolhe a sua.

::4o – Escolher algumas frases com quais brincamos no 2o passo e escolhemos caligrafias (tentando não usar a própria) e mandamos novamente para a “turba”.

;;5th – Nos vamos pixar/pichar*í  frases nas ruas de nossas cidades “lar” (onde é isso?). Mande fotos para a turba através de nossas bases na rede.

-> Algumas Imagens serão mostradas durante o Piksel festivel (

Mas de qualquer maneira: e podem ser usadas em quaisquer performances, manifestos, e outras exibições de alguém aqui, para manter o movimento destes corpos, e botá-los em contato.

[1]lista de emails –
[2]para blogar:í
[3]referência rápida e “barata” em português –
[4] mesma fonte (“source”):

weblog link:
weblog RSS:

*(apanhei-te cavaquinho )