Statue du Baron du Rio Branco, Place Generoso Marques, Curitiba, Brésil, 2006.
LôIliade dôHomí¨re, Chant I.
Traduction dôOdorico Mendes (Brésil, 1799-1864).Tournée européenne de la compagnie de théatre Iliadahomero, en mai-juin 2007. Avec Claudete Pereira JORGE et direction dôOctavio CAMARGO.
Au départ: Thessaloniki (pendant la Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art), Skopje, Istambul, Sofia, München, Lisbonne, Porto…
Dôautres villes dôEurope peuvent contacter la compagnie (pour le séjour de mai 2007 ou de futures tournées), pour vérifier la possibilité dôune présentation. Pour cela, écrire au directeur Mr. Octávio CAMARGO ou directement í la compagnie.
Le fichier pdf qui suit au dessous est un court essai a propos du travail et de la tournée de la compagnie Iliadahomero (illustré avec les photos de la dernií¨re présentation de Me. JORGE í Curitiba avant le départ de la compagnie). Ces images sont en domaine public et disponibles pour impression 20cm x 30cm ici.
Le fichier pdf contient aussi un court éssai photographique de la ville de Curitiba (qui héberge Iliadahomero depuis 1999) inspiré dans la thématique dôHomére. Les photos de cet essai sont sous licence Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 2.0, ainsi que le texte de lôéssai proprement dit. Veuillez consulter lôauteur pour dôautres usages.
Dave Bowman: What’s the problem?
HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
Download this pdf directly here.
Statue de lôHomme Nu, 2007
Erbo STENZEL (Centénaire de lôÉtat du Paraná, 1853-1953)
o fio de ariadne:
Members of the intelligence community itself have given us further information. The Foreign Office. however, says it knows nothing of the incident.
But according to our sources in London, and others in Buenos Aires, the team of four civilian acting under the control of the Argentine Navy, arrived at Madrid’s Barajas airport early last May. Their mission was to purchase arms, limpet mines, plastic explosives and under-water swimming gear – all freely available off the shelf from arms dealer’s in Spain. Then they were to make their way south to the border town of La LineÃ?¡.
They were to penetrate the colony’s defences – preferably by swimming the one mile from the La LineÃ?¡ docks to the Gibraltar dockyard – and attack the oil storage depot, the Admiralty magazine, shipping, including the Gibraltar guardship, the frigate HMS Ariadne, which was known to be regularly bcrthed in the dock.
mensagem de hoje de Oct�¡vio Camargo:
“Chegamos em tessalonic no domingo
a abertura da bienal foi ontem
loucura, gente correndo pra todos os lados
cinco eventos simultaneos, etc
fomos apresentados ao diretor dos museus de tessalonic. ele ficou impressionado com a performance da claudete, que foi so uma palhinha
e marcou para sexta, a apresentacao noturna
nas ruinas de um teatro aqui
acabou de troar em tessaloniki
“a nova de ir a troia a grega armada”